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As society continues to develop at a rapidly increasing rate, each new day brings the prediction of future trends – key issues or scenarios that will shape the world for years to come. Defined as future things that will happen or exist after the…
By Louisa Mason-Hayes -
Futurism & Future Trends

Launching a business is tough, but keeping it thriving is even harder. Statistics show that while only 4% of businesses fail in their first year, this jumps to 34% by the second year and 50% by the third. The key to long-term success? Learning from…
By Jack Hayes -

A recent online study found that, on average, UK adults feel stressed over twice a week. This staggering statistic demonstrates just how prominent mental health issues are in modern society, as this study was the largest known stress study ever…
By Sophia Reed -
Mental Health & Wellbeing

A study found that over 60% of American Muslims have reported instances of religious discrimination every year since 2016. It is to counteract such implicit bias that the month of May has been declared International Muslim History Month. The…
By Chris Tompkins -
Diversity & Inclusion, Racial Equality

How Will Donald Trump's Tariffs & Policies Effect Business in 2025: Insights from 10 Expert Speakers
On the 20th of January 2025, Donald Trump’s second tenure as the President of the United States commences. In anticipation of his inauguration as the 47th President, Donald has set out what he plans to do during his presidency. Such plans include…
By Jack Hayes -

Learning at Work Week is the perfect opportunity for business leaders to invest in their employees’ professional potential. Through specialised training sessions, focusing on the best ways to learn and grow, staff come away with a new outlook on…
By Louisa Mason-Hayes -

As we approach what's often cited as the most challenging day of the year, it's crucial to arm your team with the tools and inspiration they need to thrive. This Blue Monday, we've curated a line-up of inspirational speakers, each bringing a unique…
By Sophia Reed -
Mental Health & Wellbeing

With each new day, technology continues to advance in ways we once never thought possible. One of the most recent developments that is shaping the future as we know it is generative AI, but the question is – what is generative AI and how will it…
By Mark Matthews -

With technology advancing all the time, artificial intelligence (AI) is a key area of progression. The last year has seen some significant developments in the area, with the first-ever robot being granted citizenship of Saudi Arabia, Google’s…
By Mark Matthews -

By Emma Tolhurst MCIPD and Louisa Mason-Hayes -
Business, Management

By Louisa Mason-Hayes -
Business, Management

By Mark Matthews -
Futurism & Future Trends, Technology



By Sophia Reed and Jack Hayes -
Motivational, Public Speaking

By Chris Tompkins -
Diversity & Inclusion

By Mark Matthews -
Finance & Economics, Technology