Environmental & Sustainability Speakers

Steve Howard
Formerly IKEA's Global Sustainability Director & Co-Chair Of The Environment & Natural Resources Future Council For The World Economic Forum
Kate Brandt
The Chief Sustainability Officer of Google, Former Senior Advisor to the US Department of Energy & Former Federal Chief Sustainability Officer at the White House
Pia Heidenmark Cook
Senior Advisor For IKEA, Former Chief Sustainability Officer For IKEA & Former Co-Chair Of The Retailers Environmental Action Programme
Alexandrea Palt
Executive Vice-President Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer Of L'Oréal & VP Of The Fondation L'Oréal Who Was Named In Forbes' Top 46 Global Sustainable Leaders
Lucas Joppa
Former Chief Environmental Officer for Microsoft, Professor at Yale University, PhD in Ecology from Duke University & Fellow of the UN Environmental Program World Conservation Centre
Nigel Topping
High Level Champion For Climate Action COP26 & Former CEO Of We Mean Business
Richard Reed
Co-Founder Of Global Drinks Brand 'Innocent'
Mark Gallagher
One Of The Most Knowledgeable & Accomplished F1 Speakers In The World
Chris Hines
Founder of A Grain of Sand, Former Sustainability Director of The Eden Project, Founder of Surfers Against Sewage & Special Advisor to the Minister for the Environment
Rain Newton-Smith
Chief Economist at the Confederation of British Industry, Former Head of Emerging Markets at Oxford Economics & Former Member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England
KD Adamson Official Speaker Profile Picture
Globally Renowned Renegade Futurist, Ecocentrist, Futurism Strategist, Best-Selling Author of "Shipping & the 800-lb Gorilla" & "Payload", Former Futurist of The Futures Agency & Former CEO of Ulterior Futures
Adam Henson
Countryfile Presenter Who Is One Of The Most Prolific & Experienced Countryside Experts