Cyber Security Speakers

Nina Schick Official Speaker Profile Picture
Author of the World's First Generative AI Book DEEPFAKES: The Coming Infocalypse, Advisor to President Joe Biden & Former NATO Secretary-General, Creator of The Era of Generative AI - a 100k GenAI Community & Advisor to Synthesia
KD Adamson Official Speaker Profile Picture
Globally Renowned Renegade Futurist, Ecocentrist, Futurism Strategist, Best-Selling Author of "Shipping & the 800-lb Gorilla" & "Payload", Former Futurist of The Futures Agency & Former CEO of Ulterior Futures
Professor Mary Aiken Official Speaker Profile Picture
Professor of Cyberpsychology & Chair of the Department of Cyberpsychology at Capitol Technology University, Member of the INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Expert Group, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine & Author of "The Cyber Effect"
Sarah Armstrong-Smith Official Speaker Profile Picture
Microsoft Chief Security Advisor For Europe, Author of ‘Understand the Cyber Attacker Mindset’ & Recognised on the ComputerWeekly longlist of the UK’s Most Influential Tech Leaders
Stella Remington
The First Woman To Become Director-General Of MI5 Who Was The Inspiration Behind The Casting Of Judi Dench As 'M'
Andrew Amery
Former Head of Security for the 2012 London Olympic & Paralympic Games, Former Major Event Protection Planner for the Metropolitan Police & Director of R3S Global
Eric Schmidt
Former CEO & Chairman of Google, Former Executive Chairman & Technical Advisor of Alphabet Inc, Co-Founder of Schmidt Futures & Founding Partner of Innovation Endeavours
Keren Elazari
Cyber Security Analyst & Tel Aviv University Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center Senior Researcher
Robert Pritchard
Founder of The Cyber Security Expert, Advisor to HRH The Queen & the UK Government, Deputy Head of the UK's Cyber Security Operations Centre & Former UBS Security Consultant
Sir John Sawers
Former Chief Of MI6 Secret Intelligence Service, Former British Permanent Representative To The United Nations & BP Global Non-Executive Director
Jonathan Shaw
The Ministry of Defence's First Head of Cyber Security & Former Assistant Chief of Defence Staff
Jonathan Zittrain
Professor Of Computer Science At Harvard’s School Of Engineering & Applied Sciences