Artificial Intelligence Speakers

Jonathan Zittrain
Professor Of Computer Science At Harvard’s School Of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Kate Darling
Research Scientist at the MIT Media Lab, Former Fellow of the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Affiliate of the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies & Author of The New Breed
Cynthia Breazeal
Associate Professor Of Media Arts & Sciences
Dag Kittlaus
Co-founder Of Siri & Viv Labs, Former Vice President Of Samsung Mobile & Co-founding CEO of Riva Health
Richard Browning
Real Life 'Iron Man' Who Holds The Guinness World Record For 'The Fastest Speed In A Body Controlled Jet Engine Powered Suit'
Chris Barton Official Speaker Profile Picture
Co-Founder Of Shazam, Former Head of Mobile Operators Business Development for Dropbox, Former Head of Android Business Development Americas for Google & Founder of Guard Inc.
Ray Kurzweil
Chief Futurist For Google, Inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Awarded the National Medal of Technology & Innovation, Recipient of the Lemelson-MIT Prize & Elected as a Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Pranav Mistry
President & CEO Of Samsung STAR Labs Best Known For His Work On SixthSense, Samsung Galaxy & Project Beyond
Richard Watson
World Leading Futurist, London Business School Professor, Advisor to The Cabinet Officer & Strategic Trends Unit at the Ministry of Defence. Best-Selling Author & Innovation Blogger for Fast Company Magazine
Daniel Hulme
Chief AI Officer for WPP, Four-Time TEDx Speaker, CEO of Satalia, Senior University Lecturer, AI Advisor to UAE National AI Strategy, City AI & UK Home Office
Andrew Grill Official Speaker Profile Picture
Chief Futurist for The Actionable Futurist, NED of the Britain-Australia Society, Former Global Managing Partner for IBM & Former Business Adviser for the South Australian Government
James Whittaker
Former Engineering Director for Google, Former Distinguished Engineer & Technical Evangelist for Microsoft Helping Build the Bing Information Platform, Former Programmer for the FBI & Bestselling Author