Artificial Intelligence Speakers

Alondra Nelson Official Speaker Profile Picture
Harold F. Linder Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, former Deputy Assistant to President Biden & Acting Director of the White House OSTP, President & CEO of the Social Science Research Council
Dan Figueiredo Official Speaker Profile Picture
Global Technology Strategist on Artificial Intelligence for Microsoft, Partnership Lead of the Technology Community for Racial Equality, Senior Judge of the Management Consultancies Association & Microsoft Certified Azure AI Engineer Associate
Anima Anandkumar Official Speaker Profile Picture
Bren Professor of Computing at California Institute of Technology, Former Director of Machine Learning at NVIDIA, Part of the World Economic Forum's Expert Network, Co-Founder of Caltech's AI for Science initiative & LinkedIn Top Voice
Nick Hawes Official Speaker Profile Picture
Professor of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics at the University of Oxford, Director of the Oxford Robotics Institute & Tutorial Fellow of Pembroke College Oxford
Richard Foster Fletcher official speaker profile picture
Founder of, Host of The Boundless Podcast & LinkedIn Top Voice on Leadership
Christophe Jauquet Official Speaker Profile Picture
Renowned Author & Podcast Host of ‘Healthusiasm’, Keynote Speaker, Expert in Health, Consumerism & Technology
Mike Evans Official Profile Picture
Leading Authority On AI, Digital Transformation & Future of Work Strategies, Guiding Top Fortune 50 Companies Globally
Christian Byrge official speaker profile picture
Professor in Team Creativity at Vilnius University Business School, Author of "Everyday Innovator" & Leading Creativity Expert
Andrea McLean Official Speaker Profile Picture
Longest Serving Loose Women Anchor, Co-Founder & CEO of This Girl Is On Fire, Owner of The.Media.Coach.Academy, 4x Bestselling Author of ‘Confessions of a Menopausal Woman’
Carissa Veliz official speaker profile picture
Bestselling Author of "Privacy is Power", Board Member of Proton Foundation & Associate Professor at the Institute for Ethics in AI at the University of Oxford
Cathy Mulligan official speaker profile picture
Founder of Sustainable Society Digital Collective, Fellow of the World Economic Forum, Member of UNSG High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation & Author of "5G Core Networks"
Cindy Chin official speaker profile picture
AI & ML Expert, Founder, CEO & Chief Space Officer of Planetary Systems AI, Mentor at Google for Startups & Co-Founder of CLIPr