Mike Evans

Leading Authority On AI, Digital Transformation & Future of Work Strategies, Guiding Top Fortune 50 Companies Globally

Achieve with Accountability: Ignite Engagement, Ownership, Perseverance, Alignment, and Change

Achieve with Accountability: Ignite Engagement, Ownership, Perseverance, Alignment, and Change

How to hire Mike Evans

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Mike Evans for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Mike Evans' Official Speaker Topics are listed below:

  • Artificial Intelligence Impact
  • Future of Work
  • Navigating the Rapids of Change
  • Creating Your Optimal Peak-Performing Culture
  • Unleashing Accountability for Success



"I first met Mike at an industry event in Florida. I was so moved by his presentation that afterwards I shook his hand and told him that he just changed my life forever. About a month later I invited him to make a similar presentation for our company during our annual Christmas luncheon. Mike presented to over 225 guests who were engaged and motivated. The next day he made a full-day presentation to 40 of our managers and sales team. Our team is still talking about the event and quoting lines from his book." — Navid Yavari, CEO, PAI Industries

"Mike, in over 30 years of attending conferences, seminars, and breakout sessions, I have never seen anyone captivate an audience for an entire day the way you do. Your high-energy, interactive style ensures that everyone in attendance will pay full attention to what you say. Your ability to draw parallels from the examples you give to the topic you have been tasked to discuss ensures that the time they spend listening will be rewarded. The response from all who attended was overwhelmingly positive, and they asked that we have you do more of these sessions in the future. I can’t imagine a higher compliment than that from our group. The upfront legwork that you put in to clearly understand the goals we wanted you to meet went a long way towards a highly successful outcome. You definitely made a great impression and had the desired impact. I have already recommended you to my colleagues." — Greg Klein, CEO, ITPC

"Attendees raved about how captivating and energetic Mike is and how much his message resonated with them personally and professionally. They stated that Mike was the best keynote at the conference… Attendees were captivated as he spoke about how peak performance is the state of achieving one’s highest level of productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness… Thank you, Mike, for persevering and challenging our members to not only thrive but succeed in times of change." — Kimberlee Humphrey, CEO/President, Association for Manufacturing Excellence

"Thank you so much, Mike, for your engaging and informative keynote! I heard all rave reviews (the best we ever had) from the attendees. Thank you so much for coming to our region. They want you back!" — Ann Franz, Executive Director, NEW Manufacturing Alliance

"The consensus from our attendees and employees was that you delivered a terrific and relevant keynote for our conference! Several long-time employees said it might have been the best in our 23-year history of hosting this conference. We are so glad you were able to be a part of our conference." — John Stampen, SVP Marketing, Wisconsin Manufacturing Enterprise Partnership

"Mike Evans participated as a keynote speaker in The IIA’s General Audit Management Conference. His leadership presentation really resonated with the audience of executives in internal audit. Mike is one of our highest-rated speakers and as a result, is being asked back to present at the All Star Conference, which is the conference where we showcase encore presentations from the highest-rated speakers. This is a great testament to his ability to provide an audience with practical strategies, tools, and techniques for positive outcomes in their practice setting. I look forward to future opportunities to include Mike in The IIA’s conference programs." — Sheena Majette, Managing Director, Conferences, IIA

"When it comes to public speaking, audience engagement, and "aha!" moments, Mike Evans knows his stuff. He thoroughly researched our National Facilities Management & Technology conference and took the time to understand our attendees and what they were looking for in a general session. Throughout his keynote, Mike's energy and passion were infectious, and his insights into the latest trends and best practices were invaluable. Our attendees left the session feeling motivated and equipped with practical ideas to improve their leadership skills and abilities. I highly recommend working with Mike to infuse and elevate an event." - Wendy Dietzler, NFMT, Senior Director Events

"For our inaugural "Elevation 101" conference with the theme "Captivate on Change", I was on the search for the best keynote speaker to cover the topic of "Change Management". During my search, I came across Mr. Mike Evans. We connected on Zoom, and since that moment, I knew that he would be the perfect main speaker for this event. But I have to say that Mike actually exceeded all of my expectations. He has a great stage presence and engages amazingly with the public. He is well-prepared and ready to share all his knowledge with the rest of the world. I cannot wait to collaborate with Mike again in other seminars. He has so much more to teach us. I hope to be working beside him in the near future." — Surella Henrietta, Director of Events, H&H

"Great job last week at the WMEP conference! I just finished with generous and valuable follow-up video, and I'd welcome additional materials. We had 4 others from our company attend the conference and they all could not stop referencing your presentation. Your ideas and content were so memorable and impactful that we started to implement your ideas immediately. Your presentation skills are unmatched. I have never been as engaged in any online event ever." — Ryan Blaine, VP Operations, Aztalan Engineering

"Mike was fantastic to work with! Mike Evans was the closing keynote for our Annual Conference. The consensus from our attendees was that his keynote was engaging and highly interactive. Our attendees placed high value on the conversations they had with him outside his presentations as well. Mike and his team were easy to work with and helped make our keynote highly rated, and we look forward to having more opportunities in the future to work with him!" — Alyson Welker, Meetings & Operations Specialist, American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives


  • 2023 – Awarded 'Disruptive Innovator Award'
  • 2021 – Awarded 'Thought Leader of the Year'
  • 2020 – Awarded 'AI Innovator of the Year'
  • 2019 – Awarded 'Excellence in Technology Innovation Award'
  • 2018 – Awarded 'Leadership in Technology Award'
  • 2017 – Awarded 'Global Excellence in AI Award'
  • 2016 – Awarded 'Distinguished Speaker Award'
  • 2015 – Awarded 'AI Impact Award'
  • 2014 – Awarded 'Future of Work Visionary Award'
  • 2013 – Awarded 'Outstanding Contribution to AI and Automation'
  • 2012 – Awarded 'Innovator in Corporate Culture Award'
  • 2011 – Awarded 'Technology Leadership Excellence Award'
  • 2010 – Awarded 'Pioneer in AI Integration Award'