Leadership Speakers

Gina Buckney
Global Transformation Director, Former Head of UK Customer Services for BT, Self-Help Author, Corporate & TEDx Speaker
Matthew Luhn
Accomplished Pixar Storyteller & Fortune 500 Coach Who Was Formerly The Youngest Animator To Work On 'The Simpsons'
Dean Stott
Former British Special Forces Soldier, Two-Times World Record Holder, Adventurer & International Speaker
Kim Blue Official Speaker Profile Picture
Chief Executive Officer of K Blue Consulting, Official Member of the Forbes Human Resources Council, Executive Board Member of The Black in HR, Former Global Head of People Experience Partners for Zoom & Former Senior HR Manager for Microsoft
Andy Hanselman Official Speaker Profile Picture
Partner of Andy Hanselman Consulting, Founding Partner of Hallmarks Business Development, Author of "Think in 3d!" & Corporate Trainer on Creating Competitive Advantage with 3d Customer Experiences
Anthony Willoughby
Co-Founder Of The Nomadic School Of Business & Renowned Leadership Speaker
Craig Goldblatt
Founder of Giving Africa, Creative Director of Living on Purpose Global & Delivered the TEDx Talk 'Personal Leadership'
michael laudrup
Former Professional Footballer & Speaker
Steve Brown
Popular Team Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Captain & Exceptionally Gifted Speaker
Rene Carayol Official Speaker Profile Picture
Founder & Chief Executive of Everyone. & the Inspired Leaders Network, Visiting Professor at Cass Business School, Former Managing Director of IPC Media (Now - Time Inc. UK) & Former Systems Director for PepsiCo
Will Carling
Brilliant England Centre Who Captained His Country To Five Grand Slam Titles
Alec Stewart
Former England Cricket Captain Who Is The Fourth Most Capped English Cricketer Ever (133 Caps)