Retail Speakers

Rachel Watkyn
Founder of Tiny Box Company Named 2020 Natwest Entrepreneur of the Year & Awarded the 2020 Rural Business Award
Louie Gravance
Former Disney Institute Professor, Designer of Being SkyTouch & Author of Service Is a Superpower
Jack Stratten
Head of Trends for Insider Trends, Retail Trends Speaker, Skilled Host, MC & Moderator
Giuseppe Stigliano
Global CEO of Spring Studios, Adjunct Professor at UCL & Co-Author of Retail 4.0 With Marketing Legend Philip Kotler
Richard Lim
Chief Executive at Retail Economics, Former Head of Retail Insights & Analytics at The British Retail Consortium & Advisory Board Member at UEA School of Economics
John Caudwell
Sold Phones 4U in 2006 for £1.5bn, Signed the Giving Pledge to Give 70% of his £2.4bn Fortune & Author of Love, Pain & Money: The Making of a Billionaire
Sharon Gai
Head of Global Key Accounts at Tmall, Global Shaper in the China Chapter of the World Economic Forum, & Author of ‘E-commerce Reimagined: what we can learn in Retail and E-commerce from China’
Martha Wikstrom
Founding Partner of Atelier Fund, Board Director for Fortnum & Mason & Former Managing Director for Harrods
Kate Hardcastle
Joint Founding Partner of Insight with Passion, Broadcaster for Rock 'n' Roll Business, Contributor to Forbes, Retail Expert for ITV, Trustee of the Diana Awards & Expert on Consumer Insight
Aron Gelbard Official Speaker Profile Picture
Co-Founding CEO of Bloom & Wild, 2021 Finalist of EY Entrepreneur of the Year, Board Trustee of FareShare UK & Pledger for Founders Pledge
Official Sarah Ratty Profile Picture
Pioneering Conscious Fashion Founder, Eco-Innovator Resilience Coach and Mindfulness Mentor
Duncan Williamson Official Speaker Profile Picture
The Global Head of Food Systems for Forum for the Future, Founder of Nourishing Food Systems, Chair of the Board of Trustees of Eating Better, Senior Advisor of Sustainable Gastronomy for Climate Smart Chefs & EIIS Faculty Member