Ian Hawkins

Storyteller, Thought Leadership Expert & Author Of Insider Secrets Of Public Speaking

How to hire Ian Hawkins

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Ian Hawkins for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Ian Hawkin's official speaking topics are listed below: 

  • Innovation, technology & transformationNew technology is transforming how data is understood and used – and in turn, how businesses operate. The digital transformation revolution has impacted every industry, and businesses are facing a stark choice: keep up or become obsolete. But innovation and disruption aren’t new and organisations are fundamentally human endeavours. In presentations, Ian looks at case studies from recent and distant history, draws out the lessons that are relevant today, and gives an insight into the near future. Audiences are left with plenty to think about, ideas for shaping their strategy for surviving and thriving in an unknowable future – all while avoiding the technology tail from wagging the business dog. 
  • Mental health & changeAfter COVID, there is a renewed impetus for businesses to become better places to work, that truly enable people to work to the top of their skills and thrive. Such efforts can only deliver positive benefits to organisations. Drawing on personal experience from living with PTSD, psychology research and best practice from organisations around the world, Ian looks at practical ways people can improve their working environments with techniques that can be put in place immediately. Ian also speaks on change and looks at how small, sustainable changes are able to make a huge impact on individuals, teams and the world at large. Ian shares his own journey through tough times, showing that however limited our choices may be, we can still be in charge of our own destiny

Ian is often booked as a speaker for corporate events, read his latest feedback below. 

"Ian's leadership workshops to our team leaders had a huge and immediate impact on morale as we are going through a cultural shift. Also: So. Much. Fun!" - Tesco 

"Really different, a change of pace, woke us up after some very dry content and made us all think" - IoD 

"Quick-witted, delightful, totally got the brief. The perfect host for our launch event" - Kirk Originals