David Marquet

Former Nuclear Submarine Commander of the USS Santa FE, creator of Intent-Based Leadership & Former President of Intent-Based Leadership International

Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders

Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders

Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and What You Don't

Leadership Is Language: The Hidden Power of What You Say and What You Don't

Turn the Ship Around!: The Workbook

Turn the Ship Around!: The Workbook

How to hire David Marquet

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring David Marquet for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Official Feedback from In-person and Virtual Events

"I've read a lot of leadership books, but none of them ever hit me between the eyes the way Turn the Ship Around did. I felt an immediate familiarity with the situation he faced on the Santa Fe. As soon as I finished, I promptly bought another copy and gave it to my boss. I told him to realize from the first page that the book is about us. The principles David provides are applicable to any organization in any field. We would be better off if more leaders took the unvarnished look at themselves that David did and offer such an insightful observation of where they went wrong and how they fixed it." - Eric, Retired LEO
"David's book, "Turn The Ship Around" is a game changer. After just one week our corporate culture has experienced a paradigm shift. Instead of the leadership-follower style, I apply the leadership-leadership approach to all areas of my life, professional, personal, family and even spiritual.
And to think I used to blame it all on the espresso!
Thank you David for taking the time to share your thoughts in a way that can make a difference.
If you read anything in the next 30 days, read this book!" - BJ, Founder of 41 West
"It is rare that one finds a book that is profound and gives insight into human nature and then, serendipitously, finds that the author is personable, inspiring, authentic, engaging and a willing mentor; a true mensch. Yet, such is the case with the book Turn The Ship Around! and the author L. David Marquet. I had the great fortune of spending quality time with David and seeing first hand his passion, commitment and mentorship. He is an incredibly quick study, has a unique way of seeing the whole picture no matter how complex and he manages to affirm each person while holding them accountable. David does all this, and more, while remaining authentic and dealing with others in humility and compassion.
I highly recommend David Marquet and his book Turn The Ship Around! It is a must read book for anyone who deals with other sentient beings, and especially for those who are or who aspire to be leaders. Then, I confidently encourage you to find a way to meet David either through his keynote speeches, TEDx video, consulting practice and, if you are truly blessed, over a cup of coffee. You will be inspired." - David, Founder of dbkAssociates
"I have had the good fortune to read David's book and meet him in person. The message he delivered in his book was inspiring and it led me to invite him to give a presentation to the senior staff at our company. I didn't really know what to expect. Not only was I pleasantly surprised, I was totally blown away by his dynamic style. He is a powerful speaker displaying the unique ability to bring his ideas about leadership to a diverse group that were both understandable and thought provoking. During the presentation, the group was captivated. He researched our company and geared his message, including examples, so that our staff found it easy to relate to.
I highly recommend reading David's book as I believe this is how our future leadership will look. Participating in one of his presentations will leave you energized and eager to start implementing his methods immediately." - Charles, Maritime Executive
"David is a sharp, insightful leadership trainer with a welcome capacity to think outside the box. He does not follow the herd." - Victor, Illustrator
"David's work with leaders to create sustainable leadership is commendable and mind shifting. The biggest problem leaders, who I work with, have is their lack of bench strength. Their focus is often on the immediate problem at hand and too often they are solving the problem versus letting go of the decision or problem and developing others to have the confidence and ability to solve the problem on their own.
David's Naval real life experience provides a back drop for other leaders to learn how to effectively let go and have others take on the problems through leadership development. His book, Turn The Ship Around, steps leaders through this transformation and ultimately creates an environment for sustainable leadership." - Beth, Executive Coach for Executive Velocity Inc.
"I believe the biggest obstacles that stand in the way of achieving lasting and effective improvements and excellence aren’t methodology or best practices, it’s leadership. David has proven that it’s possible to ignite the passion, intellect, and energy of everyone to become leaders in probably one of the most difficult environments imaginable, a nuclear submarine. Anyone at any level who is frustrated and knows much more is possible should plug into David’s work and learn how to ignite yourself and start changing your world." - Bill, Co-Founder, Forward-Thinking Workplaces
  • 2021 - Content Creator for Intent-Based Leadership International 
  • 2019 - President of Intent-Based Leadership International
  • 2013 - Adjunct Faculty Member for Columbia University
  • 2006 - Gained a Master if Engineering Management from Old Dominion University
  • 1999 - Commanding Officer, USS Santa Fe
  • 1986 - Gained Naval Postgraduate Master's Degree
  • 1977- 1981 - Graduated the United States Naval Academy