Economics Speakers

Vicky Pryce Official Speaker Profile Picture
Chief Economic Adviser & Board Member of the Centre for Economics & Business Research, Former Senior MD of FTI Consulting, Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service, Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists
Lord Nicholas Stern Official Speaker Profile Picture
IG Patel Professor of Economics & Government, Chairman of the Grantham Research Institute & Head of the India Observatory at LSE, Author of the Review on the Economics of Climate Change & former Chief Economist of the World Bank
Jo-Ann Rolle official speaker profile picture
Author of “Tech-Enabled Futures", Future of Work Ambassador at Experfy & Founder & CEO at JoAnn Rolle Consulting
Will Hutton Official Speaker Profile Picture
President of the Academy of Social Sciences, Columnist for The Observer, Host of the "We Society" Podcast, Former Principal of Hertford College University of Oxford & Bestselling Author of "The State We're In" & "The World We're In"
Marko Papic Official Speaker Profile Picture
Senior Vice President & Chief Strategist of BCA Access & GeoMacro for BCA Research, Partner & Chief Strategist of the Clocktower Group, Former Member of the Milken Institute Young Leaders Circle & former Associate Director of the EU Center of Excellence