Mariana Bozesan

Developed the Theta Model, co-founded Infobahn International GmbH, Former executive positions at Oracle Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation (now Hewlett-Packard), Serial Entrepreneur, Futurist & Researcher

How to hire Mariana Bozesan

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Mariana Bozesan for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Mariana Bozesan's official speaker topics are listed below:

  • Integral Investing: Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries
  • AI Ethics and the Future of Work
  • Sustainable Investing and Exponential Technologies
  • Integral Leadership in Business
  • The Theta Model: De-risking Early-Stage Investments
  • Ethical Leadership and Conscious Capitalism
  • Future Business Trends and Innovation

Official Feedback from In-Person & Virtual Events

Feedback from In-Person Events:

“Mariana Bozesan shows how …you can… enjoy health and higher levels of vitality, and live a life of joy and fulfillment.” — Deepak Chopra, M.D., bestselling author of Grow Younger, Live Longer

“Mariana Bozesan, entrepreneur, global activist, philanthropist, mystic, mother, goddess, intellectual, and sage, has written a seminal book for all people who wish to make a difference in this world and who wish to do that while living a healthy, vibrant life. … She glows with thriving radiant health, she speaks with elegance and eloquence, and she has deeply researched what makes a healthy life and one that is conscious and committed.” —Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money

“Listening to Mariana opens your heart. Her words bring joy and hope and the deep trust that everything is possible.” —Margot Anand, bestselling author of The Art of Every Day Ecstasy

“A wise and inspirational leader, Mariana’s message is clear, straightforward, and void of any hidden agenda. Added to her genuine, well-researched advice is a warm and generous personality that comes across in her presentations.” —Eva Auchincloss, chair of Presidio World College

“Leadership training is not about intellectually understanding what to do but learning how to really LIVE IT every day. Mariana took me to a level of heart-led Leadership that I have always wanted but never fully implemented. Her inspirational and consciousness-driven leadership changed my life … and that of other people around me!" —Carol Sands, Venture Capitalist & Winner of the Influential Women in Business Award

“Mariana Bozesan is one of the very few investors I have encountered who is truly concerned with an integral approach to investing based on full-spectrum economics that goes beyond both profit-only and EGS criteria.” —C. Arnsperger, Ph.D., Professor Université de Lausanne

“I found Dr. Bozesan’s research amazing because it confirms my experience over the past 10 years. In nearly all of my presentations on Sustainable Investment and most recently on Sustainable Leadership to the financial sector, I had been referring to the issue of pain as a major drive to begin the transition for businesses and business leaders towards sustainability. When I used to say this, people laughed and didn’t want to hear it. Nice to see that there is an academic basis. For me it was just a gut feeling and observation.” —Robert Rubinstein, Founder & CEO, Triple Bottom Line Investing (TBLI) Group

“I heartily recommend Dr. Bozesan as a global thought leader, keynote speaker and accomplished author to institutions and organizations that wish to understand how best to integrate real world business approaches and human-centered values” —Burton Hoyt Lee, PhD, MBA, Professor Stanford University School of Engineering

“Mariana Bozesan is an inspiration to others. To share her story is courageous— to use it to help others is admirable.” —Anthony Robbins, bestselling author of Unlimited Power

"Mariana Bozesan’s work... is a brilliant synthesis between scientific research and hands-on advice…” — John Gray, Ph.D., bestselling author Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

  • 2022 – Awarded the Sofia Distinguished Alumni Award by Sofia University
  • 2019 – Named Europe's Female Angel Investor of the Year by BAND, the German Business Angel Network
  • 2017 – Honored as Entrepreneur of the Year by EBAN, the European Business Angel Network
  • 2012 – Granted full international membership in the Club of Rome
  • 2012 – Elected as a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)