Axel Brown

Bobsledder for Trinidad & Tobago at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, Bronze Medallist in the North American Cup 2022 & First Caribbean Bobsledder on the Podium of a 4-man race at the North American Cup

How to hire Axel Brown

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Axel Brown for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Axel Brown's official speaking topics are listed below:

When One Door Closes, Make Another and Walk Through It:

  • Axel's story is about not necessarily waiting for an opportunity to present itself but creating your own, or at least increasing your chances. Axel can talk about self-motivation, perseverance and creativity which he thinks are key to making your own opportunity and succeeding. Even when, or especially if others are actively trying to stop it.

Down, But Not Discouraged:

  • Axel missed the 2018 Olympics by 0.03 seconds, he was then bullied out of Team GB by his "teammates". It would have been very easy to quit and walk away from the sport. Instead, Axel picked himself up and created something which has been overwhelmingly positive, and impactful for so many. He can speak to how pressures and injustices out of our control can be a catalyst for greatness.

The Biggest Prize in Sport is Self-Fulfillment:

  • "You've just competed in the biggest sporting event, and yet this is one of the lowest times you've ever felt" are words from an open letter titled "Dear Olympian". They are incredibly true, and can move an athlete to tears when they read them. Axel wants to talk about how achievement in sports can take such a toll on mental health and that it doesn't matter if you have a medal around your neck, if you're not happy with the person in the mirror. Axel has chosen the path with less chance of sporting success in order to enjoy his life and leave a positive impact. A message he thinks everyone could take a little from.

Official Feedback from In-Person & Virtual Events

Feedback from In-Person Events:

"Axel Brown was a complete inspiration to our students at Pocklington. He really delivered not only a key message but lots of interesting content including the Winter Olympic selection and competition process, training involved and the psychology around professional sport. He was funny, interesting and really engaged all students. The bobsleigh in the room was an additional highlight too." - Pocklington School

"Axel was a guest speaker at the HGS Annual Awards Ceremony. He gave an extremely engaging and inspirational talk about his journey from HGS to competing in the Winter Olympics, which really showed the current pupils that anything is achievable in life." - Harrogate Grammar School

  • 2022 - Competed for Trinidad & Tobago at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games in 2-man bobsleigh
  • 2022 - First Caribbean bobsleigh pilot to finish on the podium of a 4-man race at the North American Cup in Park City
  • 2022 - 3rd place in the North American Cup
  • 2022 - 13th place in the IBSF World Cup, Carribean's highest-ever World Cup 2-man position