Workplace Culture Speakers

Bernadette Thompson
Director of EDI at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Former Associate Director of Inclusion for Barts Health NHS Trust & Former Diversity Consultant for the UK Home Office
Ross Reekie
Founder of Rise Consulting & Meaning Of Work Expert
Soren Kaplan
Innovate Columnist for Inc. Magazine, Co-Founder of Praxie, Managing Principal of InnovationPoint LLC & Affiliated Professor of the Center for Effective Organisations at the University of Southern California
Stefaan van Hooydonk
Founder of the Global Curiosity Institute, Co-Founder & Dean of The Earth University, Former Chief Learning Officer for Cognizant & Former Global E-Learning Director for Nokia
Margaret Heffernan
Professor of Practice at the University of Bath, 3X TED Talk Speaker, TEDx Talk Speaker, & Named one of the Internets Top 100 by Silicon Reporter
Ryan Hopkins Official Speaker Profile Picture
Chief Impact Officer at JAAQ, Former Future of Wellbeing Lead for Deloitte & Author of the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Book "53 Weeks of Wellbeing - a No-Nonsense Guide to a Fulfilling Work Life"
Kenny J Anderson
Profound Author of ‘Common Denominators of Success’, & Founder of Kenny J Anderson LLC
Medina Jett
Founder & Former CEO of ICSGroup, Featured in the Harvard Business Review & Founder of Jett Speaks
Meera Bhogal
Menopause Expert & Educator, Part of the APPG Parliamentary Inquiry on Menopause & Host of Meera's Menopause Podcast
Manley Hopkinson
Founder of the Compassionate Leadership Academy, Director of People & Performance for Sweet Projects & Former Senior Advisor for McKinsey & Company
Michal Oshman
Global Head of Company Culture for TikTok, Former International Head of L&D for Facebook & Former Head of Organisation Development EU for eBay
Hema Vyas
Multi-award-winning Life Leadership Mentor & Human Capital Strategist, Author of The Silent Heartache Of High Achievers & Winner of the UK Enterprise Award