Roger Black

Olympic 400m Medallist Turned Highly Respected Sports Speaker

How to hire Roger Black

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Roger Black for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Roger's official speaking topics are listed below.

  • Change management
  • Overcoming adversity
  • Talent is not enough
  • Need to achieve vs. fear of failure
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Ownership and accountability
  • Synergy - surrounding yourself with talent
  • Proactive vs. reactive

"Roger was an excellent guest speaker and leads the way in style and content. He held the audience's complete attention with inspirational messages on achieving potential on both a business and personal level. There was something for everyone and his interaction with delegates was much appreciated." - Electrical Contractors Association

"The feedback has been fantastic. You managed to be both entertaining and highly relevant - no mean achievement given we had around 45 nationalities represented!" - Dell

"We have quarterly events and the majority of the feedback has been that Roger is the best speaker we have had!" - Accenture