Raj Adgopul

Former Director of UK Robotix, Former Head of Operations at UTalk Challenge India & TEDx Speaker - Appreciation Redefined

How to hire Raj Adgopul

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Raj Adgopul for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Raj Adgopul's official speaking topics include:

Slum Survival Mindset:

  • If you survive long enough in the slums of Mumbai to tell your story you learn how to milk a bull! Interested? Find out what kind of mindset you need to develop in order to survive, like a cockroach, in the slums of Bombay You learn to thrive on your misfortunes, that’s the secret.

Re-imagine the Impossible Everyday:

  • Life is cheap in Mumbai, a million people live in a square mile, average life expectancy is about 65yrs and over 4,000 people die every year falling off local trains. The main aim when you leave home in the morning is to come back alive in the evening. Bombay, a land of opportunities, but so hopeless that the only thing that keeps you going is hope. Find out how to keep going no matters what life throws at you.

Village Life: England and India Compared:

  • Taking a humorous look at the differences and challenges of village life in two hugely different countries. Learn how to greet your neighbours, what to do about other people’s children, and what to expect at village celebrations!

An Immigrant’s Experience of England:

  • What is it like to arrive in a new country for the first time? When you don’t know why your bathroom doesn’t have a bucket in it, what a lunch box is, or why dogs seem to have all the fun...

Appreciation Redefined:

  • Raj redefines appreciation in his funny and endearing talk which contrasts life in the hustle and bustle of Mumbai compared to rural Dorset. Sharing a collection of his personal stories and experiences – from losing friends on Mumbai’s railways, to becoming a nurse, to adapting to the very different ways of communicating with colleagues and patients in the UK.

Official Feedback from In-Person & Virtual Events

“Raj is a very engaging speaker that inspired some very positive feedback from our students. His life story is very different from the majority (probably all) of young people in Dorset and he brings a huge amount of positive energy to the stage. He is very easy to work with and is able to adapt to the audience as he reads them.” - Baron, Director of Social Enterprise, Budmouth College
"The topics covered by Raj are superbly balanced between gentle humour and the ability to provoke deeper thought amongst your audience. A rare gift. The members of Bristol Common Wealth Society are still enthusing about Raj’s talk and how delighted they were to welcome Raj back “by popular demand!"" - Gina, Branch Manager, Bristol Common Wealth Society
  • 2020 - TEDx Speaker
  • 2018 - Head of Operations at uTalk Challenge India
  • 2017 - Director, UK Robotix
  • 2008 - Specialist in Public Health