What is Neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity refers to the range of differences in brain function and behaviour, including conditions like Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia. Rather than viewing these as deficits, neurodiversity embraces them as natural variations in how people think and learn. Approximately 1 in 7 people in the UK are neurodivergent, highlighting the importance of recognising and supporting diverse cognitive abilities in society and the workplace.
How Can Neurodivergent People Be Supported in Society & the Workplace?
- Focus on creating open and supportive cultures where people feel comfortable talking about neurodiversity
- Proactively consider neurodiversity in all people management interactions
- Embrace flexible working to enable everybody to thrive
- Practice ongoing attention to wellbeing
- Empower neurodivergent voices - by hiring a neurodiversity keynote speaker!
Why Does Understanding Neurodiversity Matter?
Understanding neurodiversity is crucial for creating truly inclusive workplaces. While 70% of organisations prioritise equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and 83% focus on employee wellbeing, only 60% emphasise neuroinclusion, and just 33% include it in their EDI strategies. This lack of awareness can marginalise up to 20% of neurodivergent employees, as workplace norms often fail to accommodate their thinking styles, impacting their productivity and wellbeing.
Source: CIPD
With over 15% of people in the UK being neurodivergent, it is crucially important to support such people. This can be done by ensuring they have additional support on tasks they struggle with, such as reading or writing. It has also been reported that there are 700,000 adults with Autism in the UK, with only 22% of them being in employment – again highlighting the importance of being inclusive of individuals with neurocognitive differences.
Our roster of neurodiversity speakers encourages acceptance and support of such individuals, through thought-provoking and emotive speeches. Whether they are neurodivergent themselves or support a network of neurodivergent people, our speakers will help you to create a more inclusive society for neurodivergent people.
If you are interested in hiring a neurodiversity speaker for your next event, contact Champions Speakers today! Call one of our dedicated booking agents on 0207 1010 553 or complete our online contact form.