Javier Ideami

AI Expert, Multidisciplinary Engineer, Founder & Director of Ideami Studios, T4I Ideation Platform & Torch, Co-Founder of Allhub & The Geniverse







How to hire Javier Ideami

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Javier Ideami for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Javier Ideami's official speaking topics are listed below:

  • The future of AI
  • Generative AI: impact on industry
  • Limitations and Opportunities of Generative AI Technology
  • The future of creativity
  • AI and the job market, the next decade
  • Generative AI and medicine: a new perspective on health
  • The road to AGI: The next decade
  • AI & entertainment, challenges and opportunities
  • Visualizing how AI learns
  • Humans in the age of AI
  • Any variation around all of the above

Explorers of the Infinite: AI and The Future of Creativity

Javier invites audiences on a captivating journey into the next decade, where AI has perfected both fast and slow thinking. With AI as their partner, creatives evolve into 'Explorers of the Infinite,' transcending the boundaries of human cognition to unlock entirely new dimensions of creativity and innovation.

Official Feedback From In-Person & Virtual Events

Feedback From In-Person Events:

“I know many people capable of giving motivational talks. I know quite a few people capable of giving lectures on a certain area of ​​expert knowledge. But I only know one person capable of inspiring and motivating the audience through commendable positive energy while providing rigorous knowledge and own experiences that connect artificial intelligence, innovation, robotics, cinema or music. This person’s name is Javier Ideami and we’ve been lucky to count on his presence and collaboration in different events and projects in the last 10 years.” - Carlos, CEO, Cookie Box Group

“Javier gave two very successful talks, one in each university (Stanford University and UC Berkeley), demonstrating his unique combination of superb communication skills, extraordinary knowledge and expertise in his field, as well as the range of unique and innovative perspectives displayed in his talks. Javier also participated in an art exhibition at Stanford University where some of his award winning words were displayed. The range of technology areas and creative disciplines in which Javier has earned recognition and awards makes him a unique asset for these industries. The unique combination of extraordinary experience, expertise and knowledge that he has amassed over the years guarantees his continuous contribution in quality and quantity to the innovation and development of technology, creative media and other related fields” - Piero, Leonardo ISAST Programs at Stanford University & UC Berkeley

“Javier is one of today’s Leonardo Da Vinci’s. As well as being a unique speaker and a master engineer and award winning creative director, he has briefed presidents and businessmen alike on advanced technology and creative tools. I have worked with Javier in the past on the establishment of an innovative venture backed enterprise in California that established a leading software system for next generation computer interfaces. In addition, Javier has undertaken significant development work in the fields of technical artistic endeavor and invention capability. Javier has been widely recognized in the industry for this extraordinary ability and talent. He is one of a few multidisciplinary artists that has been distinguished with awards in multiple creative fields. Javier brings a very wide range of superlative skills, knowledge and experience that has been recognized internationally around the world. In my opinion, he plays a leading/critical role in current research/modern art that has national and international significance.” - James, Chief Executive, Off-World Consortium

“Javier Ideami is an exceptional speaker whose interdisciplinary expertise spans the realms of artificial intelligence and the arts, making each of his presentations a vibrant and enriching experience. With an exceptional blend of technical mastery and artistic flair, Javier captivates his audience, turning complex AI concepts into accessible and engaging narratives. His ability to weave artistic insights with scientific precision not only educates but also inspires, highlighting the creative possibilities at the intersection of technology and art. Javier’s talks are a dynamic and rigorous, making him a standout voice in any discussion about the present and the future of AI and its impact on companies and human beings. His presentations certainly are a call to imagine and innovate.” - María, CEO Instituto de Inteligencia Artificial

“I have worked with Javier in different projects in the last years and had the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the depth of his skills and talents in so many creative fields both in the art and technology areas. I met Javier for the first time at an international architecture symposium in sicily, Italy, where we both were giving conferences about cutting edge technology. I was impressed with the range of ventures that Javier was leading, ventures that unite multiple disciplines to produce innovative results with exceptional quality. Later on we collaborated on different projects. We are looking forward to continue our collaborations with such an incredibly skilled and talented professional, recognized with multiple awards internationally.” - Arturo, CEO and Director at Architecture and Vision

  • 2023 - Produced the award-winning film, Hamelin 77
  • 2021 - Co-Founder of The Geniverse, democratising Generative AI.
  • 2019 - Founder of Loss Landscape, pioneering AI visualisation research.
  • 2017 - Founder of Pictoshirt, creating interactive, gamified clothing.
  • 2016 - Founder of Torch, innovating in ideation and innovation methodologies.
  • 2013 - CEO of Spirit Film Productions, focusing on entrepreneurship documentaries.
  • 2011 - Founder of Posterini, developing an interactive web app for poster design.
  • 2007 - Co-Founder and Creative Director of Flaii, creating a multidimensional media interface.
  • 2005 - Founder of Ewidi, early social network development.
  • 2000 - Founder and Director of Ideami Studios, blending media, art, and technology.