Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina

Pioneering Digital Wellbeing Expert, Bestselling Author, Two-Time Tedx Speaker, Founder Of Consciously Digital, Global Keynote Speaker

Homo Distractus: Fight For Your Choices and Identity in the Digital Age

Homo Distractus: Fight For Your Choices and Identity in the Digital Age

How to hire Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Anastasia Dedyukhina's Official Speaker Topics are listed below:

  • Digital Wellbeing and Its Impact on Productivity
  • The Future of Work in a Digital Age
  • How to Manage Digital Overload and Reclaim Your Focus
  • Building a Sustainable Digital Culture in Organisations
  • The Science of Distraction and How to Overcome It
  • Digital Detox: Why and How to Unplug in a Hyperconnected World

Official Feedback from In-Person & Virtual Events

"I personally took a lot away from the presentation that I’m going to apply in my own life and habits." — Kate Russell, HR Lead, HR4HR, Microsoft

"Obviously knows her stuff - smart, engaging, and absolutely kept me riveted the entire hour." — Anonymous participant, Association of Talent Development Conference 2023

  • 2023/2024 - Expanded Consciously Digital’s wellbeing programme internationally, significantly increasing its global impact
  • 2021 - Directed the first ICF and NBHWC-certified digital wellbeing programme, establishing a new industry benchmark
  • 2020 - Delivered a keynote at Mobile World Congress on the future of work and digital wellbeing
  • 2019 - Recognised for her influence on digital wellbeing at Mobile World Congress, shaping global discussions on technology's impact
  • 2017 - Published Homo Distractus, a bestselling book on digital wellbeing that continues to be a key resource
  • 2016 - Founded Consciously Digital, a pioneering organisation in digital wellbeing, which now spans 130+ coaches globally
  • 2014 - Gained global recognition with her first TEDx talk on digital wellbeing, establishing her as a thought leader in the field
  • 2010 - Earned an MBA, complementing her PhD in Linguistics, providing a strong foundation for her future work in digital wellbeing