Dr. Anisha Patel

General Practitioner, Lead Patient Advocate, Trustee, Best-Selling Author, Media Doctor, And Award-Winning Cancer Awareness Advocate & Speaker



everything you hoped you’d never need to know about bowel cancer: A doctor’s very personal guide to getting through the sh*t and beyond

everything you hoped you’d never need to know about bowel cancer: A doctor’s very personal guide to getting through the sh*t and beyond

How to hire Dr. Anisha Patel

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Dr. Anisha Patel for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Dr. Anisha Patel's official speaker topics are listed below:

  • Moving Forward – Life After Trauma/Cancer
  • The Unexpected Revelations of Bowel Cancer
  • Addressing Health Inequality
  • Healthcare Advocacy and Awareness
  • Women's Health and Menopause
  • Mental Health and Well-being
  • Cancer Screening and Prevention
  • Breaking Health Stigmas and Taboos
  • Life After Cancer: Navigating the New Normal
  • Post-Traumatic Growth and Resilience
  • 2024 – Board of Trustees Member, GUTS Fighting Bowel Cancer
  • 2024 – Lead Patient Advocate, Cancer Grand Challenges
  • 2023 – Author of Everything You’d Hoped You’d Never Need to Know About Bowel Cancer
  • 2021 – Regular Media Contributor on ITV’s Lorraine
  • 2021 – Speaker for the No Butts Campaign with Dame Deborah James
  • 2018 – Cancer Advocate and Survivor, Stage 3 Bowel Cancer
  • 2016 – General Practitioner specialising in Women’s Health