Rod Baber

Ex Professional Mountaineer, World Record Holder, High Ropes and Climbing Instructor & Rescue Trainer, Owner of Amalie’s Everest & CEO of Read Between My Eyes

How to hire Rod Baber

Contact the Champions Speakers Agency to provisionally enquire about hiring Rod Baber for your next event, today. To get in touch, simply call an official booking agent on 0207 1010 553 or email us at [email protected] for more information.

** We do not accept requests for autographs, signed merchandise, fan mail, birthday messages or any other non-commercial contact with the speakers or acts. Each speaker on the website may not have necessarily worked with Champions in the past but are known to perform such engagements within the industry.

Rod Baber's official speaking topics are listed below:

Amalie's Everest:

From learnings of extreme mountaineering and trying to improve my daughters way of life after 14 years I have accepted her for who she is. Through these learning and working with numerous parents and careers of disabled children, I am doing what I can to help organisations understand what is needed to become more accessible.

Read Between My Eyes:

An account of my journey raising a disabled child and her inspiration to help me understand that by being different we are special.

Human Challenges:

An empowering speech for both children and adults. This exciting, energising and uplifting talk is based on past mountaineering world records achieved by Rod Baber in Europe and on Everest. These mountains in Rod's eyes are insignificant compared to what his daughter Amalie has to climb following a brain injury at 9 months old. Her mountain in his eyes is far harder to conquer than any mountain he has climbed.

Positive learnings from understanding disability:

An emotive account of valuing imperfection.

Disability Language:

Discusses the Question of Language instructors should use when working with individuals and groups with a range of both physical and mental abilities, needs and backgrounds.

Within The Shadows of Mountains:

A revealing account of what makes a good person. A pro mountaineer easily shines out in their bright vibrant clothing set against white powder and an icy blue-sky background. The carer works quietly in tired clothes hidden in the grey shadows not wanting any attention. Who should be more revered?

Official Feedback From In-Person & Virtual Events

Feedback From In-Person Events:

"I think you did a tremendous job in delivering an interesting, entertaining, motivating and thought provoking recount of your 835 days, certainly the feedback we had after your speech was amazing. Everyone really enjoyed listening to your tale and it was a truly inspirational, but lighter note on which to end the day. It without doubt set everyone up with the inspiration required for us to break 14 records the following day!" - Heather, People and Culture, EMAP

"A quick note to thank you for the enlightening and entertaining presentation you gave to my company at the Oxford Belfry on Tuesday. The talk was pitched at exactly the right level and helped to reinforce the message that had been integral to our two day conference. Having spoken to many of the staff they were all very interested and found it both motivational and inspirational. The need for teamwork came across very clearly and I was particularly impressed by your enthusiasm and belief that you would achieve your goal of the Guinness World record at all times. I wish you the best of luck in your proposed attempt on the Americas and look forward to an equally entertaining talk on your return." - Peter, Chairman, PDM Training and Consultancy Ltd

  • 2023 - Owner Manager at RDB High Ropes Operation Services
  • 2022 - Contributed to the successful long-term operation of Zooropia at Bristol Zoo
  • 2018 - Launched "Amalie’s Everest" for promoting accessibility and inclusivity
  • 2018 - Started "Read Between My Eyes" wellbeing platform
  • 2009 - Secured world-first stem cell therapy for his daughter Amalie
  • 2003 - Managing Director at Head 4 Heights Ltd
  • 2001 - Account Manager at Mobile Team Challenge Ltd
  • 1995 - Senior Account Manager at Alternative Networks